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snow_pc module

Main module.

pc2correctedDEM(in_dir, align_shp, asp_dir, user_dem='', buffer_width=3)

Converts laz files to corrected DEM.


Name Type Description Default
in_dir str

Path to the directory containing the point cloud files.

align_shp str

Path to the shapefile to align the point cloud to.

user_dem str

Path to the DEM file. Defaults to ''.


outtif (str): filepath to output DTM tiff outlas (str): filepath to output DTM laz file

Source code in snow_pc/
def pc2correctedDEM(in_dir, align_shp, asp_dir, user_dem = '', buffer_width= 3 ):
    """Converts laz files to corrected DEM.

        in_dir (str): Path to the directory containing the point cloud files.
        align_shp (str): Path to the shapefile to align the point cloud to.
        user_dem (str, optional): Path to the DEM file. Defaults to ''.

    outtif (str): filepath to output DTM tiff
    outlas (str): filepath to output DTM laz file

    # create uncorrected DEM
    dtm_laz, dtm_tif, dsm_laz, dsm_tif = pc2uncorrectedDEM(in_dir, user_dem = user_dem)

    # align the point cloud
    dtm_align_tif = laz_align(dtm_laz, align_shp = align_shp, asp_dir= asp_dir, buffer_width= buffer_width)
    dsm_align_tif = laz_align(dsm_laz, align_shp = align_shp, asp_dir= asp_dir, buffer_width= buffer_width)

    return dtm_align_tif, dsm_align_tif

pc2snow(in_dir, align_shp, asp_dir, user_dem='', buffer_width=3)

Converts laz files to snow depth and canopy height.


Name Type Description Default
in_dir str

Path to the directory containing the point cloud files.

align_shp str

Path to the shapefile to align the point cloud to.

user_dem str

Path to the DEM file. Defaults to ''.


outtif (str): filepath to output DTM tiff outlas (str): filepath to output DTM laz file

Source code in snow_pc/
def pc2snow(in_dir, align_shp, asp_dir, user_dem = '', buffer_width= 3):
    """Converts laz files to snow depth and canopy height.

        in_dir (str): Path to the directory containing the point cloud files.
        align_shp (str): Path to the shapefile to align the point cloud to.
        user_dem (str, optional): Path to the DEM file. Defaults to ''.

    outtif (str): filepath to output DTM tiff
    outlas (str): filepath to output DTM laz file

    # create corrected DEM
    dtm_align_tif, dsm_align_tif = pc2correctedDEM(in_dir, align_shp, asp_dir, user_dem = user_dem, buffer_width= buffer_width)

    #set dem_fp
    in_dir = os.path.dirname(dtm_align_tif)
    ref_dem_path = join(in_dir, 'dem.tif')

    #create snow depth
    snow_depth_path = join(in_dir, f'{basename(in_dir)}-snowdepth.tif')
    snowoff = rio.open_rasterio(ref_dem_path, masked=True)
    snowon = rio.open_rasterio(dtm_align_tif, masked=True) 
    snowon_matched =
    snowdepth = snowon_matched - snowoff

    #create canopy height
    canopy_height_path = join(in_dir, f'{basename(in_dir)}-canopyheight.tif')
    canopy_height = rio.open_rasterio(dsm_align_tif, masked=True) - snowoff

    return snow_depth_path, canopy_height_path

# class Map(ipyleaflet.Map):
#     """Custom map class that inherits from ipyleaflet.Map.
#     """
#     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

#         if "scroll_wheel_zoom" not in kwargs:
#             kwargs["scroll_wheel_zoom"] = True
#         super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

#         if "layers_control" not in kwargs:
#             kwargs["layers_control"] = True

#         if kwargs["layers_control"]:
#             self.add_LayerControl()

#         if "fullscreen_control" not in kwargs:
#             kwargs["fullscreen_control"] = True

#         if kwargs["fullscreen_control"]:
#             self.add_fullscreen_control()            

#     def add_search_control(self, position = "topleft", **kwargs):
#         """Add a search control to the map.

#         Args:
#             position (str, optional): Position of the search control. Defaults to "topleft".

#         Returns:
#             _type_: SearchControl object.
#         """
#         if "url" not in kwargs:
#             kwargs["url"] = "{s}"
#         search = ipyleaflet.SearchControl(position = position, **kwargs)
#         self.add_control(search)
#         return search

#     def add_LayerControl(self, position = "topright"):
#         """Add a layer control to the map.

#         Args:
#             position (str, optional): Position of the layer control. Defaults to "topright".

#         Returns:
#             _type_: LayerControl object.
#         """
#         layer_control = ipyleaflet.LayersControl(position = position)
#         self.add_control(layer_control)
#         return layer_control

#     def add_fullscreen_control(self, position = "topright"):
#         """Add a fullscreen control to the map.

#         Args:
#             position (str, optional): Position of the fullscreen control. Defaults to "topright".

#         Returns:
#             _type_: FullscreenControl object.
#         """
#         fullscreen = ipyleaflet.FullScreenControl(position = position)
#         self.add_control(fullscreen)
#         return fullscreen

#     def add_tile_layer(self, url, name, **kwargs):
#         """Add a tile layer to the map.

#         Args:
#             url (str): URL of the tile layer.

#         Returns:
#             _type_: TileLayer object.
#         """
#         tile_layer = ipyleaflet.TileLayer(url = url, name=name, **kwargs)
#         self.add_layer(tile_layer)
#         return tile_layer

#     def add_basemap(self, basemap, **kwargs):
#         """Add a basemap to the map.

#         Args:
#             basemap (_type_): A string representing the basemap to add.

#         Raises:
#             ValueError: If the basemap is not recognized.
#         """
#         import xyzservices.providers as xyz
#         if basemap.lower() == "openstreetmap":
#             url = "https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png"
#             self.add_tile_layer(url, name = basemap,**kwargs)
#         elif basemap.lower() == "stamen terrain":
#             url = "https://stamen-tiles-{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png"
#             self.add_tile_layer(url, name = basemap,**kwargs)
#         elif basemap.lower() == "opentopomap":
#             url = "https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png"
#             self.add_tile_layer(url, name = basemap,**kwargs)
#         elif basemap.lower() == "satellite":
#             url = "{z}/{y}/{x}"
#             self.add_tile_layer(url, name = basemap,**kwargs)

#         else:
#             try:
#                 basemap = eval(f"xyz.{basemap}")
#                 url = basemap.build_url()
#                 name = basemap["name"]
#                 attribute = basemap["attribution"]
#                 print(url, name)
#                 self.add_tile_layer(url, name, attribution = attribute, **kwargs)
#             except:
#                 raise ValueError(f"Basemap {basemap} not recognized.")

#     def add_geojson(self, data, name = "geojson", **kwargs):
#         """Add a GeoJSON layer to the map.

#         Args:
#             data (_type_): A GeoJSON object.

#         Returns:
#             _type_: GeoJSON object.
#         """

#         if isinstance(data, str):
#             import json
#             with open(data, 'r') as f:
#                 data = json.load(f)
#         geojson = ipyleaflet.GeoJSON(data = data, name = name, **kwargs)
#         self.add_layer(geojson)
#         return geojson

#     def add_shp(self, data, name = "shapefile", **kwargs):
        # """Add a shapefile to the map.

        # Args:
        #     data (_type_): A shapefile object.

        # Returns:
        #     _type_: GeoData object.
        # """
        # gdf = gpd.read_file(data)
        # geojson = gdf.__geo_interface__
        # self.add_geojson(geojson, name = name, **kwargs)

pc2uncorrectedDEM(in_dir, outlas='', outtif='', user_dem='', dem_low=20, dem_high=50, mean_k=20, multiplier=3, lidar_pc='yes')

Converts laz files to uncorrected DEM.


Name Type Description Default
in_dir str

Path to the directory containing the point cloud files.

user_dem str

Path to the DEM file. Defaults to ''.


outtif (str): filepath to output DTM tiff outlas (str): filepath to output DTM laz file

Source code in snow_pc/
def pc2uncorrectedDEM(in_dir, outlas = '', outtif = '', user_dem = '', dem_low = 20, dem_high = 50, mean_k = 20, multiplier = 3, lidar_pc = 'yes'):
    """Converts laz files to uncorrected DEM.

        in_dir (str): Path to the directory containing the point cloud files.
        user_dem (str, optional): Path to the DEM file. Defaults to ''.

    outtif (str): filepath to output DTM tiff
    outlas (str): filepath to output DTM laz file

    # prepare point cloud
    unfiltered_laz = prepare_pc(in_dir)

    #create uncorrected DTM
    dtm_laz, dtm_tif = terrain_models(unfiltered_laz, outtif= outtif, outlas= outlas, user_dem = user_dem, dem_low = dem_low, dem_high = dem_high, mean_k = mean_k, multiplier = multiplier, lidar_pc = lidar_pc)

    #create uncorrected DSM
    dsm_laz, dsm_tif = surface_models(unfiltered_laz, outtif= outtif, outlas= outlas, user_dem = user_dem, dem_low = dem_low, dem_high = dem_high, mean_k = mean_k, multiplier = multiplier, lidar_pc = lidar_pc)

    return dtm_laz, dtm_tif, dsm_laz, dsm_tif