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prepare module


Convert all LAS files in a directory to LAZ files.


Name Type Description Default
in_dir str

The directory containing the LAS files to convert.

Source code in snow_pc/
def las2laz(in_dir: str):
    """Convert all LAS files in a directory to LAZ files.

        in_dir (str): The directory containing the LAS files to convert.

    assert isdir(in_dir), f'{in_dir} is not a directory'

    # Get a list of all LAS files in the directory
    las_files = [file for file in os.listdir(in_dir) if file.endswith('.las')]

    # Iterate over each LAS file and convert it to LAZ
    for las_file in las_files:
        input_path = os.path.join(in_dir, las_file)
        output_path = os.path.join(in_dir, os.path.splitext(las_file)[0] + '.laz')['pdal', 'translate', input_path, output_path])
        print(f"Converted {input_path} to {output_path}")

merge_laz_files(in_dir, out_fp='unaligned_merged.laz')

Merge all LAZ files in a directory into a single LAZ file.


Name Type Description Default
in_dir _type_

Directory containing the LAZ files to merge.

out_fp str

Filename of the merged LAZ file. Defaults to 'unaligned_merged.laz'.

Source code in snow_pc/
def merge_laz_files(in_dir, out_fp = 'unaligned_merged.laz'):
    """Merge all LAZ files in a directory into a single LAZ file.
        in_dir (_type_): Directory containing the LAZ files to merge.
        out_fp (str, optional): Filename of the merged LAZ file. Defaults to 'unaligned_merged.laz'.
    assert isdir(in_dir), f'{in_dir} is not a directory'
    # out fp to save to
    mosaic_fp = join(in_dir, out_fp)
    # Get a list of all LAZ files in the directory
    laz_files = [file for file in os.listdir(in_dir) if file.endswith('.laz')]

    # Build the command to merge all LAZ files into a single file
    command = ['pdal', 'merge']
    for laz_file in laz_files:
        command.append(os.path.join(in_dir, laz_file))

    # Execute the merge command
    print(f'Running command: {command}')
    print(f"Merged {len(laz_files)} LAZ files into {mosaic_fp}")

prepare_pc(in_dir, replace='')

Prepare point cloud data for processing.


Name Type Description Default
in_dir str

Path to the directory containing the point cloud files.

replace str

Character to replace the white space. Defaults to ''.



Type Description

Path to the merged LAZ file.

Source code in snow_pc/
def prepare_pc(in_dir: str, replace: str = ''):
    """Prepare point cloud data for processing.

        in_dir (str): Path to the directory containing the point cloud files.
        replace (str, optional): Character to replace the white space. Defaults to ''.

        str: Path to the merged LAZ file.

    # checks on directory and user update
    assert isdir(in_dir), f'Provided: {in_dir} is not a directory. Provide directory with .laz files.'

    #checks if there is at least one file in the directory
    assert len(glob(join(in_dir, '*'))) > 0, f'No files found in {in_dir}'

    #change to the directory
    print(f"Working in directory: {in_dir}")

    # set up sub directories
    results_dir = make_dirs(in_dir)

    #check and replace white spaces in file paths
    for file in glob(join(in_dir, '*')):
        if ' ' in file:
            print('White spaces found in file paths. Removing...')
            replace_white_spaces(in_dir, replace)

    #check and convert all LAS files to LAZ
    for file in glob(join(in_dir, '*')):
        if file.endswith('.las'):
            print('LAS files found. Converting to LAZ...')

    # mosaic
    # if there is more than 1 laz file, merge them
    if len(glob(join(in_dir, '*.laz'))) > 1:
        print('Merging LAZ files...')
        mosaic_fp = os.path.join(results_dir, 'unfiltered_merge.laz')
        merge_laz_files(in_dir, out_fp= mosaic_fp)
        if os.path.exists(mosaic_fp):
            return mosaic_fp
            print(f"Error: Mosaic file not created")
    #if there is 1 laz file, copy it to the results directory named unfiltered.laz and return the path
        laz_fp = glob(join(in_dir, '*.laz'))[0]
        shutil.copy(laz_fp, join(results_dir, 'unfiltered.laz'))
        return join(results_dir, 'unfiltered.laz')

replace_white_spaces(in_dir, replace='')

Remove any white space in the point cloud files.


Name Type Description Default
in_dir _type_

in_dir directory of the point cloud files.

replace str

Character to replace the white space. Defaults to ''.

Source code in snow_pc/
def replace_white_spaces(in_dir, replace = ''):
    """Remove any white space in the point cloud files. 

        in_dir (_type_): in_dir directory of the point cloud files.
        replace (str, optional): Character to replace the white space. Defaults to ''.
    assert isdir(in_dir), f'{in_dir} is not a directory'
    response = input(f'Warning! About to replace whitespaces with "{replace}"s in {os.path.abspath(in_dir)} \n Press y to continue...')
    if response.lower() == 'y':
        for path, folders, files in os.walk(in_dir):
            for f in files:
                os.rename(os.path.join(path, f), os.path.join(path, f.replace(' ', replace)))
            for i in range(len(folders)):
                new_name = folders[i].replace(' ', replace)
                os.rename(os.path.join(path, folders[i]), os.path.join(path, new_name))
                folders[i] = new_name