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modeling module

surface_models(laz_fp, outlas='', outtif='', user_dem='', dem_low=20, dem_high=50, mean_k=20, multiplier=3, lidar_pc='yes')

Use filters.dem, filters.mongo, filters.elm, filters.outlier, filters.smrf, and filters.range to filter the point cloud for surface models.


Name Type Description Default
laz_fp _type_


outlas str

description. Defaults to ''.

outtif str

description. Defaults to ''.

user_dem str

description. Defaults to ''.

dem_low int

description. Defaults to 20.

dem_high int

description. Defaults to 50.

mean_k int

description. Defaults to 20.

multiplier int

description. Defaults to 3.



Type Description

Filepath to the terrain model.

Source code in snow_pc/
def surface_models(laz_fp, outlas = '', outtif = '', user_dem = '', dem_low = 20, dem_high = 50, mean_k = 20, multiplier = 3, lidar_pc = 'yes'):
    """Use filters.dem, filters.mongo, filters.elm, filters.outlier, filters.smrf, and filters.range to filter the point cloud for surface models.

        laz_fp (_type_): _description_
        outlas (str, optional): _description_. Defaults to ''.
        outtif (str, optional): _description_. Defaults to ''.
        user_dem (str, optional): _description_. Defaults to ''.
        dem_low (int, optional): _description_. Defaults to 20.
        dem_high (int, optional): _description_. Defaults to 50.
        mean_k (int, optional): _description_. Defaults to 20.
        multiplier (int, optional): _description_. Defaults to 3.

        _type_: Filepath to the terrain model.
    #set the working directory
    in_dir = os.path.dirname(laz_fp)
    # os.chdir(in_dir)

    #create a filepath for the output las and tif file
    if outlas == '':
        outlas = join(in_dir, 'dsm.laz')
    if outtif == '':
        outtif = join(in_dir, 'dsm.tif')

    #set dem_fp
    dem_fp = join(in_dir, 'dem.tif')

    #download dem using download_dem() if user_dem is not provided
    if user_dem == '':
        dem_fp, crs, project = download_dem(laz_fp, dem_fp= dem_fp)
        shutil.copy(user_dem, dem_fp) #if user_dem is provided, copy the user_dem to dem_fp 

    if lidar_pc.lower() == 'yes':
        #create a json pipeline for pdal
        json_pipeline = {
            "pipeline": [
                    "type": "readers.las",
                    "filename": laz_fp
                    "type": "filters.dem",
                    "raster": dem_fp,
                    "limits": f"Z[{dem_low}:{dem_high}]"
                    "type": "filters.mongo",\
                    "expression": {"$and": [\
                    {"ReturnNumber": {"$gt": 0}},\
                    {"NumberOfReturns": {"$gt": 0}} ] }
                    "type": "filters.elm"
                    "type": "filters.outlier",\
                    "method": "statistical",\
                    "mean_k": mean_k,\
                    "multiplier": multiplier
                {"type": "filters.range",\
                    "type": "writers.las",
                    "filename": outlas,
                    "major_version": 1,
                    "minor_version": 4
                    "type": "writers.gdal",
                    "filename": outtif,
                    "resolution": 1.0,
                    "output_type": "idw"
        #create a json pipeline for pdal
        json_pipeline = {
            "pipeline": [
                    "type": "readers.las",
                    "filename": laz_fp
                    "type": "filters.dem",
                    "raster": dem_fp,
                    "limits": f"Z[{dem_low}:{dem_high}]"
                    "type": "filters.elm"
                    "type": "filters.outlier",\
                    "method": "statistical",\
                    "mean_k": mean_k,\
                    "multiplier": multiplier
                {"type": "filters.range",\
                    "type": "writers.las",
                    "filename": outlas,
                    "major_version": 1,
                    "minor_version": 4
                    "type": "writers.gdal",
                    "filename": outtif,
                    "resolution": 1.0,
                    "output_type": "idw"

    #create a directory to save the json pipeline
    json_dir =  join(in_dir, 'jsons')
    os.makedirs(json_dir, exist_ok= True)
    json_name = 'dsm_pipeline'
    json_to_use = join(json_dir, f'{json_name}.json')

    #write json pipeline to file
    with open(json_to_use, 'w') as f:
        json.dump(json_pipeline, f)

    #run the json pipeline["pdal", "pipeline", json_to_use])

    return outlas, outtif

terrain_models(laz_fp, outlas='', outtif='', user_dem='', dem_low=20, dem_high=50, mean_k=20, multiplier=3, lidar_pc='yes')

Use filters.dem, filters.mongo, filters.elm, filters.outlier, filters.smrf, and filters.range to filter the point cloud for terrain models.


Name Type Description Default
laz_fp _type_

Filepath to the point cloud file.

outlas str

Filepath to save the output las file. Defaults to ''.

outtif str

Filepath to save the output tif file. Defaults to ''.

user_dem str

Filepath to the dem file. Defaults to ''.

dem_low int

description. Defaults to 20.

dem_high int

description. Defaults to 50.

mean_k int

description. Defaults to 20.

multiplier int

description. Defaults to 3.



Type Description

Filepath to the terrain model.

Source code in snow_pc/
def terrain_models(laz_fp, outlas = '', outtif = '', user_dem = '', dem_low = 20, dem_high = 50, mean_k = 20, multiplier = 3, lidar_pc = 'yes'):
    """Use filters.dem, filters.mongo, filters.elm, filters.outlier, filters.smrf, and filters.range to filter the point cloud for terrain models.

        laz_fp (_type_): Filepath to the point cloud file.
        outlas (str, optional): Filepath to save the output las file. Defaults to ''.
        outtif (str, optional): Filepath to save the output tif file. Defaults to ''.
        user_dem (str, optional): Filepath to the dem file. Defaults to ''.
        dem_low (int, optional): _description_. Defaults to 20.
        dem_high (int, optional): _description_. Defaults to 50.
        mean_k (int, optional): _description_. Defaults to 20.
        multiplier (int, optional): _description_. Defaults to 3.

        _type_: Filepath to the terrain model.
    #set the working directory
    in_dir = os.path.dirname(laz_fp)
    # os.chdir(in_dir)

    #create a filepath for the output las and tif file
    if outlas == '':
        outlas = join(in_dir, 'dtm.laz')
    if outtif == '':
        outtif = join(in_dir, 'dtm.tif')

    #set dem_fp
    dem_fp = join(in_dir, 'dem.tif')

    #download dem using download_dem() if user_dem is not provided
    if user_dem == '':
        dem_fp, crs, project = download_dem(laz_fp, dem_fp= dem_fp)
        shutil.copy(user_dem, dem_fp) #if user_dem is provided, copy the user_dem to dem_fp

    if lidar_pc.lower() == 'yes':
        #create a json pipeline for pdal
        json_pipeline = {
            "pipeline": [
                    "type": "readers.las",
                    "filename": laz_fp
                    "type": "filters.dem",
                    "raster": dem_fp,
                    "limits": f"Z[{dem_low}:{dem_high}]"
                    "type": "filters.mongo",\
                    "expression": {"$and": [\
                    {"ReturnNumber": {"$gt": 0}},\
                    {"NumberOfReturns": {"$gt": 0}} ] }
                    "type": "filters.elm"
                    "type": "filters.outlier",\
                    "method": "statistical",\
                    "mean_k": mean_k,\
                    "multiplier": multiplier
                    "type": "filters.smrf",\
                    "ignore": "Classification[7:7], NumberOfReturns[0:0], ReturnNumber[0:0]"
                    "type": "filters.range",
                    "limits": "Classification[2:2]"
                    "type": "writers.las",
                    "filename": outlas,
                    "major_version": 1,
                    "minor_version": 4
                    "type": "writers.gdal",
                    "filename": outtif,
                    "resolution": 1.0,
                    "output_type": "idw"
        #create a json pipeline for pdal
        json_pipeline = {
            "pipeline": [
                    "type": "readers.las",
                    "filename": laz_fp
                    "type": "filters.dem",
                    "raster": dem_fp,
                    "limits": f"Z[{dem_low}:{dem_high}]"
                    "type": "filters.elm"
                    "type": "filters.outlier",\
                    "method": "statistical",\
                    "mean_k": mean_k,\
                    "multiplier": multiplier
                # {
                #     "type": "filters.smrf",\
                #     "ignore": "Classification[7:7], NumberOfReturns[0:0], ReturnNumber[0:0]"
                # },
                    "type": "filters.range",
                    "limits": "Classification[2:2]"
                    "type": "writers.las",
                    "filename": outlas,
                    "major_version": 1,
                    "minor_version": 4
                    "type": "writers.gdal",
                    "filename": outtif,
                    "resolution": 1.0,
                    "output_type": "idw"

    #create a directory to save the json pipeline
    json_dir =  join(in_dir, 'jsons')
    os.makedirs(json_dir, exist_ok= True)
    json_name = 'dtm_pipeline'
    json_to_use = join(json_dir, f'{json_name}.json')

    #write json pipeline to file
    with open(json_to_use, 'w') as f:
        json.dump(json_pipeline, f)

    #run the json pipeline["pdal", "pipeline", json_to_use])

    return outlas, outtif